Google is an interesting serach engine as well as one of the most useful tool son the web. I have used it to look up word definitions, find information on just about anything and search for videos amd images for school assignments and work.
One of my assignments for this week was to google my name and see what popped up. As I have done this before, I was not suprised at my results. I first searched my full name "Lindsay Gross." The only relevant search result that was actually me was a biography of myself for my college softball team.Under images, I also found a picture of me in my college softball uniform from 2 years ago. This showed more of myslef as a visitor of the internet not really connecting myself to othersbut rather giving out small bits of personal information. My facebook did not show up because I have blocked it from being serached on google for personal and privacy of myself. In this sense, searching my name appears though I am a visitor to the internet and only use teh internet as a tool for completeing a task.
However, seraching my PLN username(lindsgross) came up with my blog,blog posts, and my twitter. IN this case i can be seen as more of a resident by allwing myself to be a presecence on the internet and connect to others. On these serach results found i present my opinions on topics or post resources helpful for educators like me. I truly share my passion for education and want others to learn by and from me as well.
I feel secure and comfortable that not a lot of provate information about me can be serahced publicly through google. Google views me more effectively through my PLN username and in this way others can view me as a resident of teh web, as I wuold like to be seen.
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