Sunday, October 28, 2012

Math Matters

Math Matters Article

"Why do I need to learn this?"

When it comes to math, I have heard this so many times from many students in the upper elementary to high school level. I admit, I even asked this question when I was growing up as well.What happens sometime sis that students are not taught the reasons why math helps them thus children do not see the significance of learning math. They just see math as equations, and problems to solve and outcomes are the things that educators mainly focus on. This is how I saw math growing up.  However, as the article by Cindy Donladson above states, it is much more.It was not until I began studying math more and teaching it that I realized how important and valuable it is.Donaldson's answer to this common question is "“Because knowing math will keep as many doors as possible open in your future.” She is right! She discusses that math is very important and it matters in three ways :personal,patriotic and patriotic ways. Personal and Practical ways why math matters resonated with me the most.

The Personal way that resonated with me the most was that math helps develop our problem solving skills. There is a process to solving equations an this process is very similar to how we solve everyday problems in our lives. Math is important because it helps our brains think logically. It "helps us define the problem solving steps". 

Practically math is everywhere. Without it, life would be chaotic. I use math when buying things, cooking, at restaurants, making clothes, and even buying houses. When do you use math during the day?? It is hard for me to think of sometime when math is not used.

Math matters a lot to me. As educators,parents,and friends  i believe there should not be a fear or boredom of math but many ways to celebrate its importance and this importance and value should start by teachers explaining why math matters. No more "why do I need to learn this?" but rather "Math helps me and I enjoy it!."Lets change our view on math to one of importance and excitement.

What do you think about this? Agree/disagree? What does math mean to you?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Does early education matter?

Infographic on Early Education

Working as a Pre-kindergarten educator has shown me how critical learning is at an early age in a child. These children are capable of learning so many different things. Children not only learn social skills at this age but ,as the infographic says, by age five 90% of their brain development has taken place. It is remarkable to see first hand how learning occurs whether it is teacher directed or even student centered learning that is taking place.  Our brains are able to take in and process a lot of information at a young age. This is why  I believe early  education does matter!

If this critical period of development is undervalued or seen as unimportant, the effects are, as shown above, detrimental:high school dropouts, crime, and even teen parents. Disappointment is the one word that came to my mind when I read the fact that : 35-40 % of children are not ready for kindergarten. I think that more public educational institutions should provide a pre-kindergarten and preschool that can emphasize learning,play, and value high quality early childhood education.
As the infograph states: Every child should be able to thrive. I think this should be the goal .

Here is an example from my classroom of just one learning experience that has occurred in the Junior Kindergarten classroom I work in.The children learn how to count  in english,spanish,korean,Japanese and german during morning circle time.They are only 4 and a half to 5 years old.This is one way of allowing  childrens minds to grow and develeop and promotoe this ealry learning.We are now in the second month of school and out of the 16 students in my class, teh majority can count in these 5 different languages. The brain is remarkable. Imagine how much more children are able to learn if placed in a high quality early education setting. So far i have seen that songs, hands on activities, Ipad, and videos are helpful tools that promote early education and am excited to see the learning process expand as the year goes on.
Here are just a few question to ponder about. Let me know what you think :)
What do you think about early education?What does high quality early education mean to you? How can early education be valued more in our society?

Connected Learning

How do we teach students how to learn instead of just being students? This is one of the main questions the video "The Essence of Connected Learning" highlights. I agree with the video that our learning institutions should be environments of passion,interest and engagement. I think it brings up some interesting points that hopefully will lead to a more engaged,passionate, and networked society of learners instead of students.

The Essence of Connected Learning from DML Research Hub on Vimeo.

One of the key concepts in the video that resonated with me was individualizing learning experiences. It is so important to get to know each and every one of your students in your classroom and then teach to with their interest in mind. Oftentimes and in the past, as educators, we have taught to assessments and only facts. This has not lead to mastery or engagement but rather short term memory and uninterested students. For learning to occur, allow the children to be curious,discover, explore and inquire. Project based learning is a great way of allowing for exploration and inquiry to occur so that learning and understanding is taught. PBL also relates learning experiences to real world application. This year the class I am working in is doing a PBL on maps. i am very excited to see how this goes and will definitely keep everyone updated.

The second point that resonated with me is that learners do not need to be taught to learn the same way. I believe that there is more than one right answer. Emphasizing the one right answer concept, to me, limits peoples creativity, their want to explore more and can decrease confidence levels in people. Offering choices, allowing for group collaboration, and the use of authentic and alternative assessments such as interviews, portfolios, readers theaters, monologues,etc can help teach students to learn.

Connectedness has allowed learners to share their ideas with each other and really become passionate. I know that helping someone else get better at something feels great. Hopefully out students and educators will embrace this idea of connected learning because I believe it can be very effective.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

"Connected Educators"

Connected Educators
Education has shifted from an age of paper and pencil to one where digital is becoming the new classroom. Schools are using the Internet, Ipads, document cameras and other technology to teach from and engage their students.As Will Richardson discusses in his article Three Starting points for Thinking differently about learning, the Web has greatly influenced us as educators and learners. With the web, we have "access to more information, more knowledge and more people." I do agree that this new shift is challenging and kind of scary for educators. As a connected society the fact that  "our students can access most of the traditional school curriculum without us requires us to rethink almost everything about our role as teachers and our value in schools." Has the importance of teaching in the classroom become undervalued? Is our role as educators now more of  just a guide or supplement to the Web and all its tools? I tend to  think that the up and coming age of technology allows our roles to become those of "connected educators" and to enhance teaching and learning in students rather than undervalued educators.

Richardson mentions three ways in which we can think differently about learning in the digital age that I mostly agree with(thining the walls of the classroom, taking to strangers and being transparent)

The one I agree with and resonate most is :
1. Thin the Walls of Your Classroom
Using the Web as a tool is a great way for students and educators to connect to others as well as share their own work  for "real audiences" all over the world. In one of my classrooms in the past,my students have had pen pals from africa who they connected with through email and talked to. They loved to share all about themselves and their passions. We made videos and wrote poems for them. My kids became "connected" with others in a fun,passionate and engaging way. 

This article provided a different way of looking at the new shift in our society and gave great advice on how we can start to shift into the new society of globalization, technology and connectivity in education. Let me know what you think about this !

Monday, October 22, 2012

Update on 20% Project

Sign Language for educational purposes it is! After last weeks blog post on possible topics, I have chosen to focus on learning sign language. I think it can be very useful for educating young children and could be used as a way of expression and communication. I am very excited to start. I was thining about making my own videos and maybe even signing an entire eductational sign, if I am able to get it down quickly!

Heres one website I have found to help me start signing. ABC, it is easy as 1,2,3, right??

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Culture of Generosity

What is a culture of generosity and how can it be used to improve education?

A culture of generosity focuses on people’s intrinsic motivations and interests to help society as a whole. It is a society that encourages the world’s population to contribute and collaborate on large, sometimes global projects. In this culture creativity is shared in a communal or civic way. Both allow people to share their creativity with others without constraints or limitations.

In education, I think a culture of generosity could provide so many opportunities to enhance children’s abilities to grow and develop. Focusing more on creativity, experimentation, and freedom allows students to become engaged and involved on things they are interest in. One way it can be used to improve education is by providing multiple options for children. As an educator, telling children that there is more than one right answer, could allow for creativity, passion and a want to learn. This is exhibited in Project Based Learning, thus I believe this is one direct way education can be improved because the learning is more student centered and applicable to the real world. Students are allowed to be original, use their creativity, while at the same time connecting with professionals in society and their peers to create their own intrinsic motivation to learn.

What does it mean to say “Free cultures get what they celebrate?”

I think this means that if people are encouraged and given the opportunity to be creative without being told to do something or being paid, the end result will not only develop from ones intrinsic motivation but be meaningful to society as well. If creativity is not celebrated, it will not be viewed in a positive light and thus an authoritarian and consumerist society may be reverted to. If achievements are not celebrated then the importance of creativity and originality may be viewed as meaningless instead of meaningful.

Filter Bubbles

Growing up I did not really realize the bubble I was in. It was not until high school that I realized I was very isolated in my own bubble. I attended a private school, was from a middle/upper class family, and grew up in a safe neighborhood. One of my high schools graduation requirements was to do several hours of community service. This is that shocking event that made my see the outside world and all of the events in society that were outside of my bubble. I have lived in a bubble but am trying very hard to expand that bubble and be opened minded to the world around me.

Eli Pariser discusses a whole new notion of filter bubbles on the Internet. What he means is that the Internet does this "invisible alogorithmic editing of the web."Just when I thought I was expanding my mindset and my bubble, I come across the fact that the Internet, especially search engines and news headlines, personalize my search results based on what it thinks  I want to see. Pariser calls this my "unique universe of information" created by the Internet. I have no control over this and it is kind of scary and in a sense dangerous. It is putting me back into the bubble I want to expand. Right now I am not a fan of this "filter bubbles" concept because I can not see how the internet can pin point exactly my interests, my thinking,etc. It really can not. So what may be a better way of using the Internet?I think the Internet should be a way of networking instead of filtering and putting people in bubbles. By networking, we can collaborate, see others points of views, share ideas rather than become controlled and filtered.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Whole New Mind: Section One

A person's brain controls the functions of the human body. It has often been described as the bodies hard drive.The left hemisphere,mason dizon line and the right hemisphere make up the brain. Each hemisphere controls different ways of thinking.Right brained directed and left brained directed thinking. Although the different sides of the brain control different elements, both hemispheres work together as well.

Daniel Pink, in his book A Whole New Mind, explores the brain a bit further and describes his theory on societies new direction, the "conceptual age" which is more right brained than left brained( what we have focused on in the past, the information age) and how we can reverse our way of thinking to be more successful in the "conceptual age."

What is the Conceptual Age?
Pink talks about the information age and the conceptual age.We are moving away from the information age, which consisted of Left brain directed thinking: logical,linear,computerlike capabilities(Pink,29) to the new age, "the conceptual age."Knowledge workers, those who get paid for putting to work what one learns in school(Pink,29)" are no longer sufficient. It is the artistry, empathy,taking the long view inventors and artists who will soar in this new conceptual age.Pink describes the conceptual age as being powered by "right brain" qualities such as inventiveness,empathy,joyfulness, and meaning.This is the era in which we are moving towards. 

Why does Pink believe this "Conceptual Age" requires a whole new mind?
Pink explains that the brain consists of two hemispheres that are designed to work together as a "smooth, single,integrated whole in one entire,complete brain."In the past, society has focused more so on the left hemisphere:logic,anaylsis,literalness,and sequence, undermining the left half of the brain. As society has evolved, R-directed thinking has taken over control. This requires a whole new mindset. Left directed thinking, as Pink states, is "still necessary but not sufficient(Pink,27)."PInk explains that our conceptual era is due to abundance,asia and automation. the video below explains more. These three concepts have lead us to think differently, in a new mindset, more R-directed but a tteh same time not forgeting our Right brain. We should use both halves efficiently to be successful in this conceptual age we are driving towards.

I agree with Pink and his whole new mindset on the conceptual age. R-Directed thinking is becoming valued more in our society due to our focus on meaning,uniqueness and originality of the individual.I see this R- Directed thinking in the many different types of schools offered to children. Children are now able to go to schools that cater to their interests and are meaningful to them. With schools such as Fine Arts academies, High tech high, the plethora of private and charter schools, children are being given a chance to find meaning themselves and create a passion and follow it.People need not to be measured by achievement tests anymore but unique assessments in which they thrive. I try and emphasize uniqueness,beauty,care and R-directed thinking in my classroom. I have found it to be more effective for my students.

Twenty Percent Project

Twenty percent project? When I first heard this term I thought it involved something with math and was kind of nervous, because math is not one of my strong points. When I heard it was about creating my own project involving technology, I became very excited. This idea came from google. Google lets its employers spend twenty percent of their time(approximately one day a week)focusing on their own projects in which they are passionate about. I think this allows for creativity, exploration and a non stressful time.

For my twenty percent project, I have three different options in mind. They are: 

1. Learning Sign language.
This is something i have always wanted to learn before. As  I become more involved in my career, I have seen how sign language in education can be beneficial for young children. It can help them remember their letters, numbers,communicate their wants and needs if they do not know how to say a word, and is a new adventure for a child to take. 

2.Create my own Math videos for pre-kindergarten
As technology is becoming more and more popular, teaching from the book is seen as old school. Children are becoming more comfortable with using Ipads or watching videos and it is seen to help them more efficiently learn concepts. I have noticed that my pre-kindergarten children love watching educational videos, playing educational games on the ipad and are more engaged with technology then ever before. Math is my focus so I was thinking maybe creating some math videos would help my students learn math easier..

3. Guitar
Playing an instrument has always been something I havre been curious about. I tried playing the guitar briefly this past January, took some lessons but then stopped because I did not have much time to practice. Now that I am able to spend some time on my own project, learning the guitar through instructional videos may just help me and spark my interest in guitar again.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Communities of Practice

Communities of practice are everywhere.

As a senior in high school, one of my graduation requirements was to do an apprenticeship. At this point in my life, I did not know what I was going to study or what career path I wanted to do. So, I decided to intern/be an apprentice at an elementary school in a kindergarten class. I was somewhat nervous and scarred, not knowing what was ahead of me. However, this experience began my passion for education and working with young children but also introduced me to a  “community of practice” in which I saw firsthand and wanted to become a part of.
As Lave and Wenger state,” Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. “

My apprenticeship in kindergarten classroom allowed me to see how teachers collaborate, share ideas and activities, are a part of the same domain, form a community and last but not least are practitioners. They learned from their conversations. I went to meetings where teachers shared lesson plans, ideas, gave advice and constructive criticisms, and helped one another out to collaborate in a community setting. These teachers certainly “shared a concern or passion for something they did and continually learned how to do it better through interaction (Lave and Wenger).” At the end of my apprenticeship, I felt as if I began to contribute to this community of practice and helped make an impact on the children in my classroom.

This sparked my interest and ever since I have situated myself and taken part in communities of practice that deal with my passon: education young children. Currently, I am assisting in a pre-kindergarten class at a private school. There are three classes with three teachers and three assistants. We are not restricted as to anything taught to the children but have lots of flexibility. Through the community of practice formed, organization and success has evolved. Together we have created a community of practice that focuses on educating 4 ½-5 ½ year old children to help them become prepared for senior kindergarten. Without this collaboration, the curriculum would not exist and there would not be organization but instead chaos, jealousy and strong competition on who teaches better. Not only am I involved in my work (pre-kindergarten) community of practice but also recently I have developed a Personal Learning Network that serves as another community of practice.

My PLN has really been able to connect me to others who share my domain (elementary education) and has given me an opportunity to become part of a community based on social interaction that is so resourceful and helpful. It is through this shared practice of education that I am connected and networking with people all over the world. Through twitter, pinterest, scoop it and more I am allowed to share my resources and open myself to other’s resources and experiences as well.

“Communities are not limited by formal structures: they create connections among people across organizational and geographic boundaries.”

My PLN is one of the greatest communities of practice I am involved in and am hoping to solidify it and become involved even more.

Although Communities of practice I believe are very effective and a great way for learning to take place, not everyone agrees. There are a few limitations, I guess as this site points out.

Friday, October 5, 2012

My passion in Education

As an educator, I truly want the best for the children I am teaching to. It is my goal to become a role model, leader,mentor,friend and ongoing learner.The thing I am most passionate about is teaching this generations children how to become successful 21st century citizens. It is not, to me at least, adequate to just teach for short term memory and rote memorization. I want to make an impact on children's lives and help them become technology savvy. I would also hope to create critical thinkers who can apply what they have learned in the classroom to their lives. The worst thing to me is learning something short term, being tested on it, and then forgetting it and never really using or relating it to your life. Learning more about the Ipad allows children to become active,participative learners in their own education.I would like to use project based learning more to help children use their creativity and make learning applicable and individualized to each and every student. To me, teaching is taking the best practices and allowing your students to use your practices as a opportunity for growth and development. This is part of my pasion in teaching. Along with my words written on this page, I have made my own board to visualize my thoughts. I hope you like it !

Tribes through storytelling

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Google me or not?

Google is an interesting serach engine as well as one of the most useful tool son the web. I have used it to look up word definitions, find information on just about anything and search for videos amd images for school assignments and work.

One of my assignments for this week was to google my name and see what popped up. As I have done this before, I was not suprised at my results. I first searched my full name "Lindsay Gross." The only relevant search result that was actually me was a biography of myself for my college softball team.Under images, I also found a picture of me in my college softball uniform from 2 years ago. This showed more of myslef as a visitor of the internet not really connecting myself to othersbut rather giving out small bits of personal information. My facebook did not show up because I have blocked it from being serached on google for personal and privacy of myself. In this sense, searching my name appears though I am a visitor to the internet and only use teh internet as a tool for completeing a task.

However, seraching  my PLN username(lindsgross) came up with my blog,blog posts, and my twitter. IN this case i can be seen as more of a resident by allwing myself to be a presecence on the internet and connect to others. On these serach results found i present my opinions on topics or post resources helpful for educators like me. I truly share my passion for education and want others to learn by and from me as well.

I feel secure and comfortable that not a lot of provate information about me can be serahced publicly through google. Google views me more effectively through my PLN username and in this way others can view me as a resident of teh web, as I wuold like to be seen.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Seth Godin’s book Tribes was very interesting. Instead of reading it on paper, we listened
to it on audiobook. This was a new experience for me. It was my first audiobook listened
to. I had mixed reviews about the whole audiobook situation. I liked how I was able to
hear Godin’s intonation when he read the story himself. It was also nice to be able to
listen to the book and do some other things at the same time. However, I found it very
difficult to take in because I did not have a paper to look at and highlight. I am so used to
reading with paper instead of paperless that it took me listening several times to capture
the entire quote that resonated with me. As a visual person, I like reading from the book
or printed paper better.

Tribes brought up a few good points. I liked how Godin explained how tribes can work
and how important leadership is.I really connected with Godin when he stated “leaders
use passion and ideas to lead people instead of using threats and beaurocracy to manage.”
This really resonated with me as a way I view myself as an educator. I truly teach with
passion and want to make an impact on others lives/ I am not forcing the children to
learn just providing a pathway for them to grow and develop using the best practices, my
curiosity,change,innovation and a positive attitude.

In one part Godin tells a story of overhearing a couple criticize him for checking his
email at a hotel while on vacation. His response was: "I think the real question -- the
one they probably wouldn't want to answer -- was, 'Isn't it sad that we have a job where
we spend two weeks avoiding the stuff we have to do fifty weeks a year?' It took me a
long time to figure out why I was so happy to be checking my email in the middle of the
night. It had to do with passion. Other than sleeping, there was nothing I'd rather have
been doing in that moment -- because I'm lucky enough to have a job where I get to make
change happen."
I agree with Godin -- I consider myself lucky to do what I get to do, and as a result, I'm
passionate about it. As a leader, I want to do everything that I can to make that passion

I also liked the point the author made that not many people start leading because they
are afraid to stand out, be different, get noticed. They are afraid to get noticed because
they are afraid of criticism. But without criticism you cannot make it big. Criticism, Seth
Godin claims, is a good thing. It gets you noticed.

I personally found this book interesting. I gained value from it because it encouraged me
to be more creative in terms of bringing like-minded people together.