Saturday, October 27, 2012

Connected Learning

How do we teach students how to learn instead of just being students? This is one of the main questions the video "The Essence of Connected Learning" highlights. I agree with the video that our learning institutions should be environments of passion,interest and engagement. I think it brings up some interesting points that hopefully will lead to a more engaged,passionate, and networked society of learners instead of students.

The Essence of Connected Learning from DML Research Hub on Vimeo.

One of the key concepts in the video that resonated with me was individualizing learning experiences. It is so important to get to know each and every one of your students in your classroom and then teach to with their interest in mind. Oftentimes and in the past, as educators, we have taught to assessments and only facts. This has not lead to mastery or engagement but rather short term memory and uninterested students. For learning to occur, allow the children to be curious,discover, explore and inquire. Project based learning is a great way of allowing for exploration and inquiry to occur so that learning and understanding is taught. PBL also relates learning experiences to real world application. This year the class I am working in is doing a PBL on maps. i am very excited to see how this goes and will definitely keep everyone updated.

The second point that resonated with me is that learners do not need to be taught to learn the same way. I believe that there is more than one right answer. Emphasizing the one right answer concept, to me, limits peoples creativity, their want to explore more and can decrease confidence levels in people. Offering choices, allowing for group collaboration, and the use of authentic and alternative assessments such as interviews, portfolios, readers theaters, monologues,etc can help teach students to learn.

Connectedness has allowed learners to share their ideas with each other and really become passionate. I know that helping someone else get better at something feels great. Hopefully out students and educators will embrace this idea of connected learning because I believe it can be very effective.

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