Sunday, November 18, 2012

Making math relevant

Growing up I was never interested in math, but rather scarred of it. I thought math was just numbers,equations, graphs and an array of complexity. I always just memorized multiplication facts or different ways of doing problems to get a "certain correct answer." I did not know how it related to my everyday life and thus this for a while, disinterested me in math. However, in 5th grade, my teacher made math relevant. Math is used everyday in a variety of ways.Whether it is in recipes, measurements, at restaurants,money or even counting to a certain number in games, math is important and should not be forgotten. Yummy Math is an incredible site that brings relevance to math.It has helped me bring real life into my math instruction. My young children are now more interested,confident and less scared of doing math because they know the relevance of it. Instead of asking,"Why do I have to learn this?," my students are excited to become engaged with the new math concepts that they see every day.This I believe is very important and should not be overlooked. Math should be taught as something children can relate to, not just complex numbers and equations.

Yummy Math Website

 What do you think? How have you seen math taught in schools? Is it taught in a relevant way or just as a set or numbers,processes and equations?


  1. Math for me has almost always been taught as a process to just get to the answers. That website is awesome!

  2. Yummy Math seems like a cool site! We should always be looking to make real world connections to our content, no matter what we're teaching, so it's nice to see a resource devoted to making math more 'realistic'.
